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Engineering Resumes
Cover Letters
LinkedIn Optimization
Using simple and effective frameworks,
Optimize everything for your dream engineering job.
Land 3X more job opportunities, interviews, and offers.
Get yourself that 20-50% pay bump.

Want to make more money?
We got you covered.
Our clients get opportunities at engineering companies like

100+ Clients Served
$100,000+ Salary
It’s Your Turn.
Premium Career Services for all engineering industries and jobs.

Industries supported
- Aerospace Engineering
- Applications Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Material Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Product Design Engineering
- Quality Engineering
- Research and Development Engineering
- Sales Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Sustainability Engineering

Resume Review
If you already have a solid resume format and want us to review and provide comments/feedback, use this service.
We will provide recommendations based on your formatting and content.
We will screen to make sure that your resume:
- Clear and concise
- Displays keywords
- Displays quantitative results and accomplishments
What we’re going to deliver you:
Microsoft Word Document & PDF Consisting Of:
- Recommendations regarding formatting
- Feedback on implementations of keywords
- Line by line suggestions to include quantitative results and accomplishments that demonstrate business impact
- Review of technical skills
Resume Writing

Our Resume Rewrite will turbo charge your resume to get you past those initial screenings.
If you’ve been applying to jobs for awhile and have had NO LUCK getting any calls back, this is for you.
We’ve had clients go from not getting any calls or interviews in a month to getting calls and interviews in 1-2 weeks.
If you’re not getting interviews or calls from recruiters within 1-2 weeks, you’re doing something wrong with your resume.
What we will deliver to you:
A Resume That Is:
- Clear and Concise
- Displays Quantitative Results and Accomplishments
- Implements Keywords from your desired Job Description
This will be a collaborative effort between you and ULTMECHE.
We will frame your experiences in a manner that captures the ULTMECHE Framework.
Cover Letters

A Cover Letter needs to tie in your business impact and macroeconomic relevance.
A Cover Letter SHOULD NOT demonstrate why you want the job or mention soft skills.
We do not mention soft skills such as:
- Ability to communicate clearly and effectively
- Ability to work in a fast paced environment
- Team Player
- Takes Initiative
Instead, what we do is SHOW how you demonstrate those core competencies.
Our Cover Letter Format:
Introductory paragraph – describes yourself, your skillsets, and your contribution to the company’s mission
Second Paragraph – goes into detail about your projects and accomplishments
Third Paragraph – closing statements and re-iteration of your skills and alignment to the company’s mission and macroeconomic goals

Mock Interviews
Interviews for companies are divided into two sections:
Behavioral and technical interview questions for engineering companies
We prepare you to use the STAR framework to effectively answer interview questions
Don’t get thrown off-guard in your interview.
Linkedin Optimization

If you don’t get hit up by recruiters for job opportunities, you’re missing out on potential job offers.
Just like your resume and cover letter, your Linkedin needs:
- To be clear and concise
- Demonstrate your quantitative results and accomplishments
- Contain skills that recruiters want to see
When recruiters are actively searching for candidates, they are looking for specific skillsets pertaining to the job they’re recruiting for.
You need to showcase this through bullet points in your job description.
LinkedIn Optimization Frameworks Include:
- Optimal URL
- Headline
- Banner Image Guidelines
- Professional Headshot
- About section
- Experience
- Education
- Skills
- Endorsements
What you give us:
The URL of your linkedin
What we give you:
A PDF of your LinkedIn with red lines to optimize your profile for max recruiter outreach.
Get 10X the direct messages from recruiters and hiring managers for positions at high paying companies.
What are you waiting for?
Start making more money
Optimize everything for your dream engineering job.
Premium Career Services
Our Services
See what some of our 100+ ULTMECHE Clients are saying…

Rita G – Materials Processing Engineer
The resume rewrite service is amazing. I like that he asked questions to better highlight the important information. He took my resume to a top notch level. Highly recommended!

Ted Lee – Lead Project Engineer
I appreciate Kazu’s detailed questions and suggestions as well as his quick response and follow-ups. I highly recommend Kazu for someone working in Mechanical engineering field. His professionalism and skilled usage of engineering terms is excellent.
My 1 hour counseling from Kazu gave me lots of confidence and idea of what my future career can be. I appreciate his willingness to share his career path he took and tips for job applications from his personal experience.