5 Zoom Interview Questions for Employers

86% of companies are conducting Zoom Interviews, the world is becoming more digital and it is crucial to understand these 5 Zoom Interview Questions for Employers.

Whether you’re going through a phone screening with the recruiter or hiring manager for the interview, you will need to know these 5 Zoom Interview Questions for employers

February 29, 2024
Zoom Interview Questions for Employers
Have an upcoming Zoom Interview? Book a mock interview with me.

Quick Advice before the Zoom Interview

Before you begin the interview, understand that this will be an interview over Zoom, and you need to know a few things.

There will be much lost in communication than opposed to an in person interview.

5 tips to make sure you’re in good shape for your Zoom Interview:

  1. Dress well – this will make you feel more confident, both consciously and subconsciously
  2. Be on time, be right on the dot and punctual (No need to be early)
  3. Understand body language indicators – reading body language is different over Zoom compared to real life
  4. You have solid answers and stories lined up regarding relevant career experience
  5. Do something that starts your day right – good workout, good diet, and good sleep are a must

Follow the above tips and you’ll be in good shape physically and mentally for your Zoom interview. Being able to conquer any interview nerves is half the battle.

Now, let’s get into the questions that you need to know.

See: 7 Tips on How to Build Communication Skills

Tell me about yourself

This will 100% be asked in any interview setting.

At any stage in your career, you need to have a solid elevator pitch. There’s many benefits to this as when you’re working, there will be occasions where you need to give a brief introduction about yourself. You need to make sure you can give yourself an introduction that portrays you as confident and competent.

As we say, to become more confident, you need to become more confident.

Anyways, use the example framework below to draft yourself an answer for “Tell me about yourself” in a Zoom Interview type of setting.

I’m Steve. I have been a product design engineer for the past four years to support rocket diffusers in commercial aerospace applications. My primary skillsets include CAD, FEA, and Product Design. I’m here today interviewing for your company for the X position to support Y product in Z industry.

– Tell me about yourself answer

Why are you interested in this position and company

The interviewer will want to know why you’re applying and if the company is a good fit for you.

They don’t want to waste their time, and you also don’t want to waste your time.

I’m interested in working at this company because it aligns with my career goals of working with X product and using Y skillsets.

– Why are you interested in this position and company answer

What is a challenge that you have solved?

The interviewer will want to gauge your problem solving abilities. Working in the industry will consist of many problems that you will need to know how to navigate through. As a result, it’s important that you demonstrate good problem solving skillsets to your interviewer.

For questions relating to specific situations that have happened in your career experience, use the STAR method.

The star method consists of answering questions in the following manner:

Situation – Explain the situation to your interviewer

Task – Explain what the tasks you were responsible for were

Action – Explain what specific action you took upon your circumstances

Result – Explain what happened as a result of what you did

If you explain your answers like this, you will be above 90% of your peers.

Using the STAR method is a commonly talked about framework, but hardly no one uses it in real time. (This is coming from someone who has interviewed for dozens of engineering positions) As an interviewer, I would be ecstatic to hear about the STAR method and framework being used in real time.

The previous design engineer was responsible for the design and build of a fixture to support testing of mission critical military components suddenly quit. I was assigned to step in and take over his role as the responsible design and test engineer. Upon taking the task over, I saw that the whole fixture was engineered wrong.

Horrible modeling practices were used, calculations were nowhere to be found. The vendor that we had selected had multiple questions and no one to answer them. I had to quickly get up to speed, figure out how the system work, and eventually re-drew the entire thing using CAD.

Once I broke the system down and understand how it was put together, I was able to give the vendor the answers they needed. Fortunately I was able to get this answer back to them in in time for the schedule needs.

As a result, I was successfully able to bring the fixture in from the vendor and get it delivered for our needs.

– What is a challenge that you have solved answer

What would you do if X happened / Tell me about a time when – type of question

Expect many of these types of questions to be asked. If you want specific examples of “What would you do if” or “Tell me about a time” questions, check out our 100 job interview questions and answers guide. It’s absolutely packed with behavioral and technical questions you’ll need in an interview.

Be ready to answer these questions and use the STAR framework for these questions.

Some example questions you need to be ready for are:

  • Tell us about a time you had two conflicting opinions on a project
  • What would you do if you had to sacrifice quality of a product to meet project schedules?
  • Tell me about a time you used X skillset to solve a problem

Don’t go too crazy in preparing for these Zoom interview questions for employers, but make sure you have a good story lined up for each of these questions.

Do you have any questions for us?

All interviews will end with question.

The best strategy to demonstrate competence with this question is to ask the interviewer questions that tie in the position related to macroeconomics.

What is the outlook on the X industry in 5-10 years and what are the associated skillsets that you think will be in demand?

Sample Question To Ask An Interviewer

Another good question to ask, just to gauge that everything went well is:

Is there anything I said that hurt my chances of getting the job, and if so, is there anything I can do to address the issue?

Another sample question to ask an interviewer

This is a solid question to ask in a job interviewer – it will clear up any doubts you have or that the interviewer may have had based on how you answered a certain question. It can save you and potentially save you hundreds of dollars.

If you need additional help, check out our mock interviewing services. Our mock interviewing services have helped hundreds of job seekers get high paying six-figure $100,000+ salary jobs in engineering, business, finance, healthcare, and many other industries.

Check our services out to 10X your chances of landing your dream job.

Want another comprehensive list of interview questions, but to ask your employer? Check out 77 Questions to Ask Employer On Interviews.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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