L3Harris Intern Salary

If you’re looking for an internship check our L3Harris Intern Salary data out.

We cover L3Harris Intern Salary data, company products, outlook, and how to get an internship at L3. The company manufactures cutting edge technology to uphold and promote national security. There’s no shortage of work at L3 and plenty of internship opportunities.

L3Harris Intern Salary - Featured Image
February 29, 2024

L3Harris Intern Salary

L3Harris Intern Salary Data
L3Harris Intern Salary

Refer to the table above for L3Harris intern salary data.

As you can see, the ranges are very wide, but for an intern (non-software engineer), you can expect to make around $15-$18/hr based on the data we have pulled from sources such as Levels, Glassdoor, Indeed, and Zippier.

L3 Software Engineering Interns make about $29/hr with a housing stipend, based on the data we have gathered.

Keep in mind that Software Engineering is a more desirable skill in the job market, and as a result, they are generally the most well paid discipline.

How do I get an internship at L3 Harris

As a student, you’ll need the following:

Make sure you have a solid portfolio of skills, projects, and accomplishments.

Additionally, you should join student organizations as a college student so that further your outreach and hear more about opportunities.

The step by step plan on how to get L3Harris Internships

Step 1 – Craft A Solid Resume

Make sure your resume is well formatted, uses keywords, is clear/concise, and displays quantitative results and accomplishments. See our resume rewrite service if you need help with this. This is arguably the most important step, so you need to make sure you’re doing this correctly.

Step 2 – Apply to numerous L3Harris openings

Apply on search engines such as Indeed, Linkedin, and checkout the L3Harris company website for openings.

Reach out to anyone and everyone you know, chances are you’ll find someone connected to L3.

From there, do outreach.

Also – look up people that have L3 jobs that you want.

Step 3 – Interview with L3

See our detailed L3Harris Interview guide.

L3 Harris’ interview will consist of behavioral and technical questions and you will need to answer them in STAR format.

This will be difficult and we do provide interview coaching for job seekers.

What is L3Harris

L3Harris is a Defense Contractor based in the US that create products for commercial and defense industries.

Some of the things they make are satellites, radar systems, aircraft components, avionics components, and more.

L3 Harris specializes in equipment such as wireless technology, tactical radios, satellites, and a ton of other cutting edge technology.

Why should you work at L3Harris

L3 Harris provides many opportunities for employment and growth. They are contracted with several other companies such as Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop, and Boeing and have no shortage of work.

Defense companies are busy for a reason – the US needs to focus on military strength.

Outlook on the US Defense Industry (2020 and Onwards)

L3Harris provides stable opportunities for employment through the nature of their work.

We are very bullish and positive on the outlook on the Defense sector in the coming years (2020 and onwards).

Given military crises such as Iraq War, Gulf Wars, Russia and Ukraine War, it is no secret that the US needs to maintain constant focus on development of defense.

Build critical skills for your career

L3 Harris provides opportunities for those in engineering, tech, finance, business, Human Resources, and more.

You will develop critical skills at L3 Harris which will be transferrable to other companies, especially large Defense contractors.

Once you get a job in the Defense industry, you’re pretty set for life.

Defense contractors love seeing job seekers with Defense industry experience.

Defense companies are run a very specific way and they are looking for people who understand how the system works.

What are some specific L3Harris products


L3Harris - Avionics Technology

L3 Harris manufactures avionics support equipment for airplanes, helicopter, and other military applications.

Terrain Awareness Warning System

Technology that provides advanced terrain prediction and dodging technologies.

CockPit Voice and Data Recorders

L3 Harris has provided around 60 years of voice and flight data recording solutions for avionic applications.


L3Harris - Space Technology

Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)

A technology and system that L3 Harris has developed to perform weather forecasting and mission communications while communicating between space and ground stations.

Weather for Satellite Technology

Using cutting edge satellite technology for weather pattern detection across the globe.

Missile Warning and Defense

Through Global Positioning System technology developed by L3, the company continues to support national security applicaitons such as Missile Warnings and Defense.


L3Harris - Sea Technology

The technology that L3Harris provides extend well beyond air and space, and reach the terrain of seas and oceans.

Falcon Radio Product Line

The Falcon Radio product line ensures clear cut communication between global systems to support mission completion.

Control Systems Technology

Engineers at L3 design and integrate control systems technology in vehicles to navigate harsh operating conditions such as swamps, storms, and hurricanes.


L3Harris - Cyber Technology

L3 supports products in a digital application as well. The global worldwide system is moving more and more digital as the days go on. It is critical to ensure these cyber network systems are active and doing their jobs.

Training and Simulation Systems

Training and Simulation systems require an important cyber framework to continue and maintain operations.

Offensive Cyber

National security technology regarding cyber systems that attack network operations and do vulnerability research.

Closing Thoughts on L3Harris Intern Salaries

As some that is studying engineering, tech, finance, business, or anything else, you should look into L3Harris for internship opportunities.

L3 Harris will have a lot of work in the coming years to support the Defense industry and national security.

The company has provided and continues to provide cutting edge solutions to national security risk and threats worldwide.

If you want to work for this company or are searching for jobs, check our career services out.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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