Automotive Engineering Jobs

Ultmeche extensively covers Automotive Engineering jobs.

This includes how to write a resume for Automotive Engineeringhow to interview with Automotive Companies, and how to succeed as an Automotive Engineer. (And also everything in between) Whether you’re a student, an engineer in the industry, or even a senior engineer looking for more, we’ve got you covered.

Ultmeche provides resources throughout all phases of your Automotive career starting from when you’re an elementary school student all the way until you are a senior engineer. We’re not born with the knowledge we have, we all start from somewhere. We start off our lives going to elementary, middle, then high school. If we realize quickly we want to go into Automotive, we form our extracurricular activities around our career. We work hard in high school, do sports and maintain a social life (important) and build on projects so that we can get to university. Once we get to university, the work doesn’t stop there – we need to make sure we have high GPAs and internships lined up so that when we graduate, we get hired.

To be in Automotive, you need to have an interest in cars! This cannot be stressed enough. Your coworkers and customers would rather deal with someone who knows how to change the oil on their cars vs. a 4.0 GPA who never has. Your coworkers will all have backgrounds working on their cars and will know the ins and outs.

The Big 4 Automotive Companies To Work For Are*:

The Big 4 Automotive Companies - Ultmeche Opinion


Tesla being included in our big automotive 4 is a no brainer. The production of Tesla cars are booming in the early 2020’s. If you live in a state like California, it’s almost impossible to NOT see a Tesla at this point.


The Toyota Camry and Corolla are two great products from the company that are reliable and economic choices. Any car from Toyota will get you a lifespan of at least 200,000 miles. Whether it’s a model from the 90’s, early 2000’s, or late 2020’s, Toyota produces reliable vehicles.

The Japanese themselves have not came up with many game changing innovations. However, what the Japanese have come up with is optimization. Japan is a great manufacturer for improving existing products. Think Ford vs. Toyota, and ask yourself which one would you rather get? The Toyota is a clear choice due to the reliability. It’s the reason you see so many families choose Toyota Camry/Corolla/Sienna as their vehicle.


Volkswagen hit revenue of $250b in 2021. Huge. Notable brands underneath the Volkswagen umbrella include Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, and Bentley. Premium engineering and status sells. The proof is in the numbers. To integrate status, technology, and improvements in performance automotives – that is where automotive engineering jobs will have room to grow.


With a revenue of $88b, Hyundai provides a selection of economical, commercial, and a mix of luxury cars. Underneath the Hyundai umbrella are brands such as Kia and Genesis.

Why Should You Work For An Automotive Company?

Because you love cars and you love engineering. A car is a real life practical application of many combined engineering disciplines. Inside a car, there are disciplines from Mechanical Engineering such as Thermodynamics (Engines) and Heat Transfer. If you grew up taking things apart and putting them back together, automotive engineering is for you.

New Products In Automotive Engineering

Toyota Mirai

Automotive - Toyota Mirai
Toyota Mirai 2022

What makes the Toyota Mirai so attractive is that it showcases the step we are taking in the future. The Mirai runs on hydrogen, meaning zero emissions. The car also is advertised to have a 402 mile EPA, which is quite the range.

Tesla Model S,3,X,Y

Automotive - Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model 3

What does that spell? Tesla is absolutely insane on the marketing. General note – when you’re buying something, you’re essentially buying the marketing. Think why are status cars such as BMWs, Benz, and Audis doing so well and why do people buy them? Status.

If you live in Los Angeles or San Francisco, it’s almost impossible to not see a Tesla nowadays. Tesla has been projected to do well in the future, just look at their stock price! A few years ago, there was so much sentiment about Tesla not meeting Model 3 deliverables. This was pre-stock split. The good old days back when Tesla stock was at $200-250. And no one thought it was a buy. Now? Those who didn’t buy are kicking themselves. It’s pretty easy to see why Tesla doing so well. In simple terms, Tesla is the way that the future is headed regarding technology.

Along with selling electric vehicles, Tesla also provides an energy distribution network and AI software through self driving cars. This is the future. This is where a ton of the opportunity lies in mechanical engineering regarding automotive engineering jobs. Integration of mechanical systems into Artificial Intelligence software.