Get your Engineering Mock Interview in 7 days

ULTMECHE offers a premium engineering mock interview service that has serviced 100+ clients to get their dream jobs.

Our mock interviews go over crucial behavioral and technical questions.

Stop getting ghosted after your interviews.

Get your dream job in .

Join over hundreds of successful clients!

QUIZ: How do you answer a question such as what are your strengths?

A. “I’m an analytical and detail oriented person”

B. “My greatest strength would be my ability to overcome difficult situations”

C. “I want to say my greatest strength is my ability to be hands on”

If your answer sounded like one of the above…

You’re doing it wrong.

How should you have answered it?

By using the STAR method.

But…they didn’t even ask me to “tell me about a time you did x”

Doesn’t matter.

Answering using the STAR method on easy behavioral questions like these are what set you apart from other candidates.

Doing so will demonstrate competence.

(Sorry you failed the quiz so you’ll need to interview with us 😉)

We’ll teach you the most effective way to answer questions like these

What our 100+ ULTMECHE Clients are saying…

Mock Interview Testimonial - Rita

Great mock interview set up. His experience in the engineering field helps him cultivate a great interview prep session.

Mock Interview Testimonial - Ted

His mock interview allowed me to see things I need to improve on. His comments after the interview helped me to answer interview questions more concise and clearly. Thank you.

🧳 A premium engineering mock interview service that will get you the job of your dreams

🗣 Develop your interviewing skills

🏆 Learn how to effectively utilize the STAR method

📊 Demonstrate competence

Get rid of any uncertainty you have by developing killer interview skills

Nearly all of my clients that interview with me have the same problems:

If you’re reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems keep you from getting your dream job.

Chances are, you know that you’re doing something wrong, but you can’t put a finger to what.

Whether you’re seeking fulfillment, hate your employer, or want to make money, you need to be able to interview.

  • Do not know how to frame their experiences
  • Nervous
  • Can’t answer “Tell me about yourself”
  • Too much fluff
  • Does not contain keywords
  • Uses messy formatting
  • Does not use a simple design
  • Does not tie in business impacts
  • No mention of macroeconomic ties
  • No mention of supporting company mission

Without the proper guidance, there is NO WAY you’d know how to interview properly.

Maybe you’ve tried interviewing with companies before, but time and time again, you keep getting ignored. You’re excited to take the next step in your career, only to get ghosted.

But this is because you don’t know how to utilize the right frameworks.

You tried interviewing without any practice, not utilizing the proper frameworks, doomed from the beginning.

ULTMECHE Engineering Mock Interviews solve that problem. We personally cover through your experiences and we’ll craft up excellent stories for your interviews.

The STAR method.

You’ll learn how to talk business.

You have to state the relevance of your skillsets and position to the company’s mission and macroeconomic goals. It’s all about business.

Once you are able to communicate this, start seeing your interviewers change their facial expressions.

They won’t be bored interviewing you.

They will be excited to interview you.


It’s okay that you’re struggling, we’ve all been there before.

Stop interviewing without the proper frameworks.

What not interviewing with the proper frameworks will do.

1. Not Clear or Concise

There are so many brilliant engineers out there that don’t know how to keep their thoughts clear or concise. As a result, they end up getting way too detailed with their answers. Additionally, interviewers get bored. (Does this sound like you?)

2. No Quantitative Results and Accomplishments

Sure, you’ve read about including quantitative results and accomplishments, but you can’t come up with anything. The truth is, it is not difficult to come up with quantitative results and accomplishments. In reality, it’s easy. All you need is a little help in framing your experiences.

3. No Keywords

Jobs are looking for SPECIFIC skillsets. What does this mean? Sometimes interviews will listen for certain keywords such as software usage. We will scan through your answers so that you’ll know to how to speak pertaining to the job description. Engineers love to get into analysis paralysis. They don’t know which keywords to include or keep. Unfortunately, the average applicant misses important keywords.

And lastly, for mock interviews…..

Not using the STAR method

This one’s the money maker.

You need to demonstrate competence.

There’s no better way to demonstrate it other than showing what business impact you provide and how it supports the company’s macroeconomic mission.

To do so, you need to use the STAR method.

3. No Keywords

Stop losing your interviewer’s interest

The biggest mistake engineering job applicants make? They make their interviewers lose interest! They think they know what they’re doing with their long winded answers, but they don’t.

Newsflash: If you’ve been talking for 3 minutes straight, and you’re not aware of your interviewer’s body language, you’re doing something wrong.

Engineering job seekers don’t realize this though! They think that because they’re talking for a long time, that they’re doing good. They don’t realize because they don’t have anyone to tell them that it’s not. This makes it impossible for engineering job seekers to realize what they’re doing wrong.

It’s an endless negative feedback loop.

Instead, you want your interview to impress employers.

By having your engineering mock interview by ULTMECHE, you will increase those chances.

This could be your bi-weekly deposit (or more 🤑)

Stop searching.

Start making more money.

Let’s be honest.

If you’ve made it this far, then you’re interested. You just need a little more of a push to figure out if you want to do this or not.

Think about it like this.

For every 2 weeks you don’t have that job that you’re looking for, that’s a missing paycheck for you.

If you’re already an engineer and you’re looking for that sweet 20-50% pay raise, well every 2 weeks you don’t get that paycheck, you’re missing out on hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

What does that compare to a $100 engineering mock interview that will get you through your interview?

No more empty email inboxes.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re just like the other 100+ engineers who have used ULTMECHE services.

Well….how they used to be.

Because within weeks of using the mock interview provided by our service, you will stop getting ghosted.

How? By using the right frameworks.

Stop opening up your email to an empty inbox.

Stop constantly looking at your phone for the offer that you’re never going to get.

Stop opening up to an empty inbox
My client with a Tesla Interview

Start acing job interviews in 30 days.

With a good interview, you should hear from employers within 1-2 weeks.

If you haven’t?

Then that means your interview was no good.

Start with an engineering mock interview with ULTMECHE.

Ace interviews from employers such as Tesla, just like one of my clients.

Start getting offers

Start getting paid.

Once we fix your interviewing skills, this opens up endless opportunities.

We’ve helped clients from getting ghosted to getting multiple offers.

Whatever your engineering job goals are, ULTMECHE will get you there, faster.

A six figure job is well within your reach.

What ULTMECHE Clients are saying…

Mock Interview Testimonial - Roman

Roman Balak

Very knowledgeable mechanical engineer with great interview questions and a personalized approach.

Mock Interview Testimonial - Ben

Ben Louden

helped me practice behavioral questions and provided valuable feedback!

Mock Interview Testimonial - Oliver

Oliver O’Reilly-Hyland

really good guy, great interview questions and knows what he is doing. highly recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is an Engineering Mock Interview cost with ULTMECHE?

The full price of the engineering mock interview is $100 for 1 hour.

Additional time slots are also available:

  • 45 minutes for $75
  • 60 minutes for $100
  • 90 minutes for $125

On top of these, we will give 5-10 minutes of extensive feedback to boost your performance.

Some premium mock interview providers that simply add vague “corporate fluff” terms to pad the interviewing skills are charging upwards of $500!

Our goal at ULTMECHE is for you to ensure using the correct frameworks in your interviews.

You will get jobs using the correct frameworks.

Can you guarantee me a job?

Unfortunately, no.

We cannot guarantee anything.

However, hundreds of clients have been successful in getting jobs after ULTMECHE services.

What makes you think you won’t?

How long will the order take?

We will schedule the interview within 7 days.

Additionally, you can purchase more time and revisions as needed.

What if I don’t get any offers?

Reach out to me and we’ll figure out a plan forward for you.

A big part of the job search is that it’s a numbers game.

Sometimes, it takes a few interviews just to hear back.

Can’t I just wing the interview?

If you did, you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

Sure, you can prepare on your own.

But if it hasn’t constantly been getting you job offers, then you’re doing something wrong.

The longer you go for without an engineering job, the more money you’re not making.

What if I don’t have any quantifiable results to use?

Trust me, there are many ways to frame your experiences so that you can express them in a quantitative manner.

It’s painful to look back on my personal interviewing experiences as there is so much juicy detail that I left out because I didn’t know how to write one.

I would’ve had a much easier time looking for a job, knowing what I know now.

What does the whole order process look like?

Once you purchase the service, I will reach out to you for everything I need.

I will schedule a Zoom interview with you through email.

We have the interview, we go over any feedback.

You then accept that the interview has been complete.

Anything additional you need can be discussed.

What if I’ve never had a job interview?

Consider yourself lucky you found me.

Your mock interview will consist of everything you need to get a job, right out of the gate.

Refund Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase.

However, we will not be providing refunds for this service as we will be spending a large amount of time crafting quality questions that are tailored specifically to your experiences.

After you have accepted our interview, the service has been complete and therefore will not be eligible for a refund.

Want to see the ULTMECHE framework in action?

Check out our recent work!