Get your Engineering Resume Rewrite in 7 days

ULTMECHE offers a premium engineering resume rewrite service that has serviced 100+ clients to get their dream jobs

Unlike other “premium” Human Resource Resume Writing Services, our resumes don’t contain “corporate fluff”.

Stop throwing your resume into a black hole.

Get your dream job in .

Join over hundreds of successful clients!

QUIZ: Does your existing engineering resume contain the Big 3?

🔍 Is your engineering resume clear and concise?

🥇 Does your engineering resume contain quantitative results and accomplishments?

🔑 Does your engineering resume contain keywords?

Let’s total your score, if you got….

0/3 then you got a big fat 0%

1/3 then you got 33%

2/3 then you got 66%

3/3 then you got 100%

From a school perspective, even if you had 1 or 2, you are still FAILING.

That’s why you must have all 3 things.

What our 100+ ULTMECHE Clients are saying…

Thanks for making our daughter’s Mechanical Engineer resume look outstanding. wish her lots of luck.

I appreciate Kazu’s detailed questions and suggestions as well as his quick response and follow-ups. I highly recommend Kazu for someone working in Mechanical engineering field. His professionalism and skilled usage of engineering terms is excellent.

My 1 hour counseling from Kazu gave me lots of confidence and idea of what my future career can be. I appreciate his willingness to share his career path he took and tips for job applications from his personal experience.

🧳 A premium engineering resume rewrite service that will get you the job of your dreams

📝 A resume that passes the application tracking software that job applications use

🏆 A resume that is clear and concise, displays quantitative results and accomplishments, and contains key words.

Get rid of any uncertainty that you have with your resume

Nearly all of my clients that submit their resume to me have the same problems:

If you’re reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems keep you from getting your dream job.

Chances are, you know that you’re doing something wrong, but you can’t put a finger to what.

Whether you’re seeking fulfillment, hate your employer, or want to make money, you need a solid resume.

  • Is not clear and concise
  • Has an objective section
  • Has a professional summary
  • Does not contain quantitative results and accomplishments
  • Too much fluff
  • Does not contain keywords
  • Uses messy formatting
  • Does not use a simple design

Without the proper guidance, there is NO WAY you’d know how to write the perfect resume.

Maybe you’ve tried writing a resume before, but time and time again, you keep getting ignored. You’re excited to take the next step in your career, only to get ghosted by recruiters.

But this is because your resume didn’t have the big 3.

You tried writing resumes on your own, but without the big 3, doomed from the beginning.

ULTMECHE Engineering Resume Rewrites solve that problem. We personally scan through your resume to ensure that they contain the big 3 – clear and concise, quantitative results, and keywords.

Once you have these in your resume, start seeing your phone flood with recruiter calls and your email full of interview set ups.

Writing a resume is hard

It’s okay that you’re struggling, we’ve all been there before.

Stop applying without the big three.

What not having the big three will do.

1. Not Clear or Concise

There are so many brilliant engineers out there that don’t know how to keep their thoughts clear or concise. As a result, they end up getting way too detailed with their resumes. (Does this sound like you?)

2. No Quantitative Results and Accomplishments

Sure, you’ve read about including quantitative results and accomplishments, but you can’t come up with anything. The truth is, it is not difficult to come up with quantitative results and accomplishments. In reality, it’s easy. All you need is a little help in framing your experiences.

3. No Keywords

Job applications are now algorithm based. What does this mean? Job applications will quickly scan your resume for keywords pertaining to the job description. Engineers love to get into analysis paralysis. They don’t know which keywords to include or keep. Unfortunately, the average applicant misses important keywords.

Stop submitting your resume into a black hole.

The biggest mistake engineering job applicants make? They submit their resumes into a black hole! They think they know what they’re doing with their resumes, but they don’t.

Newsflash: If you’ve been submitting around 20 applications a week, and haven’t heard from companies within a few weeks, you’re doing something wrong.

Engineering job seekers don’t realize this though! They think that their resume is good, because they don’t have anyone to tell them that it’s not. This makes it impossible for engineering job seekers to realize what they’re doing wrong.

It’s an endless negative feedback loop.

Instead, you want your resume to get past the applicant tracking software and into the recruiter’s hands.

By having your engineering resume rewrite by ULTMECHE, you will increase those chances.

This could be your bi-weekly deposit (or more 🤑)

Stop searching.

Start making more money.

Let’s be honest.

If you’ve made it this far, then you’re interested. You just need a little more of a push to figure out if you want to do this or not.

Think about it like this.

For every 2 weeks you don’t have that job that you’re looking for, that’s a missing paycheck for you.

If you’re already an engineer and you’re looking for that sweet 20-50% pay raise, well every 2 weeks you don’t get that paycheck, you’re missing out on hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

What does that compare to a $150 engineering resume rewrite that will get you past the application tracking software?

No more empty email inboxes.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re just like the other 100+ engineers who have used ULTMECHE services.

Well….how they used to be.

Because within weeks of using the resume provided by our engineering resume rewrite service, you will start getting recruiter calls and emails.

How? By using the big three.

Stop opening up your email to an empty inbox.

Stop constantly looking at your phone for recruiter calls.

Stop opening up to an empty inbox
My client with a Tesla Interview

Start getting job interviews in 30 days.

With a good resume, you should hear from employers within 1-2 weeks after applying.

If you haven’t?

Then that means your resume is no good.

Start with an engineering resume rewrite with ULTMECHE.

Start getting interviews from employers such as Tesla, just like one of my clients.

Start getting offers

Start getting paid.

Once we fix your resume, this opens up endless opportunities.

We’ve helped clients from getting ghosted to getting multiple offers.

Whatever your engineering job goals are, ULTMECHE will get you there, faster.

A six figure job is well within your reach.

What ULTMECHE Clients are saying…

Richard Wang

Super efficient, pointed out some unnecessary stuff on my resume, designed a clean and straight forward engineering resume

Ben Louden

It was great working with the seller. Very professional and great communication. He took the time to learn about my experience and portrayed it in a great way within the resume. Its easy to tell, the seller has much experience with these type of resumes.

Pat Barnes

I was very anxious about re-writing my resume as it has been untouched since my senior year at a university, and I work in somewhat of a niche industry. This seller provided me with lots of reassurance, tips on what to include in my resume, and asked me detailed questions on my experiences to make for a perfect summary of my experience in the field thus far. I highly recommend using ultmeche if you plan on taking a big step into a new position anytime soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much an Engineering Resume Rewrite cost with ULTMECHE?

The full price of the engineering resume rewrite is $150.

Some premium resume service providers that simply add vague “corporate fluff” terms to pad their resume are charging upwards of $500!

Our goal at ULTMECHE is for you to ensure the big three is on your resume.

You will get jobs using the big three.

Can you guarantee me a job?

Unfortunately, no.

We cannot guarantee anything.

However, hundreds of clients have been successful in getting jobs after ULTMECHE services.

What makes you think you won’t?

How long will the order take?

7 days.

Additionally, you can purchase more time and revisions as needed.

What if I don’t get any interviews?

Reach out to me and we’ll figure out a plan forward for you.

A big part of the job search is that it’s a numbers game.

Sometimes, it literally takes hundreds of applications just to hear back.

Can’t I just write my own resume?

If you did, you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

Sure, you can write your own resume.

But if it hasn’t constantly been getting you interview requests, then you’re doing something wrong.

The longer you go for without an engineering job, the more money you’re not making.

What if I don’t have anything quantifiable in my resume?

Trust me, there are many ways to frame your experiences so that you can express them in a quantitative manner.

It’s painful to look back on my personal resume as there is so much juicy detail that I left out because I didn’t know how to write one.

I probably would’ve had a much easier time looking for a job, knowing what I know now.

What does the whole order process look like?

Once you purchase the service, I will reach out to you for everything I need.

I will then work on an initial draft, and reach out to you for questions throughout the order.

I then send you the initial draft, have you look it over, and provide feedback & comments.

We then go back and forth within the 7 day timeframe so that you get your optimized resume.

Anything additional you need can be discussed.

What if I’ve never written a resume?

Consider yourself lucky you found me.

Your resume will consist of everything you need to get a job, right out of the gate.

Once you place the order, I will reach out to you and you can mention that you don’t have an existing resume.

I will need you to send me the following as a start and we’ll get going from there

  • Experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Leadership & Memberships
  • Awards
  • Certifications

100% Refund Policy

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase.

This is why, throughout the order, within the 7 day duration, we go back and forth based on initial submittals.

If you are unhappy with the initial submittal that we provide you, feel free to cancel and we will return your money.

However, after you have accepted our final draft, the service has been complete and therefore will not be eligible for a refund.

Want to see the ULTMECHE framework in action?

Check out our recent work!