Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization

Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization - Sample Profile

If you don’t get hit up by recruiters for job opportunities on LinkedIn, you need our Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization.

Just like your resume and cover letter, your Linkedin needs:

  • To be clear and concise
  • Demonstrate your quantitative results and accomplishments
  • Contain skills that recruiters want to see

When recruiters are actively searching for candidates, they are looking for specific skillsets pertaining to the job they’re recruiting for.

You need to showcase this through using the correct frameworks in building your LinkedIn.

What you give us:

The URL of your LinkedIn

What we give you:

A PDF of your LinkedIn with red lines to optimize your profile for max recruiter outreach.

Sample Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization

Let’s take a look at this sample LinkedIn profile and the specific recommendations we’re making on it.

Using the export PDF feature from LinkedIn, let’s go through this sample:

We’ll also be making recommendations for your Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn profile to improve your recruiter outreach.

LinkedIn URL

By default, once you create your profile, LinkedIn will make your URL something such as /first-last-2134asdf

This is not clean or optimal to put in your resume.

Instead, your LinkedIn URL should be /first-last if possible. Make the URL as clean as possible. This helps even from a Search Engine Optimization standpoint.


The experience section in your LinkedIn profile should reflect your resume. You should have a solid resume and if you don’t, you should book a resume writing service with us. If you want to do it yourself, check out how to write a resume for mechanical engineering majors here.

If you order our mechanical engineering resume writing service, we will come up with the bullets for your resume that will feed into your LinkedIn.


Education in your LinkedIn profile is a pretty standard subsection. College, GPA, and extracurriculars are items that you need to specify.


We will ask you for your GPA.

Hint – it helps to have a 3.7+ GPA.

This is especially helpful for those that are trying to get their first jobs or internships. Employers will use anything and everything to determine whether the candidate is suitable or not.

It’s hard to get experience without experience and having a good GPA is one of the things that employers will look at.


We will ask for what extracurriculars you are a part of.

As a mechanical engineer, you should be a part of memberships such as:

  • Society of Automotive Engineers
  • Engineering Honor Societies such as Tau Beta Pi
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
  • Robotics Clubs
  • Gaming Design Clubs

Along with padding your resume and LinkedIn, these clubs serve as a means to network with other studious individuals. You will have the added benefit of developing a network and knowing what opportunities are out there through your peers. It’s highly underrated to join extracurriculars.

Skills & Certifications

We will ask for your specific skills and certifications that are relevant to mechanical engineering.

Specific skillsets LinkedIn recruiters are looking for mechanical engineering include:

  • CAD – SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Siemens NX, ProEngineer / Creo
  • FEA – SolidWorks Simulator, Creo Simulator, ANSYS
  • Programming – MATLAB, Python, Excel VBA, Arduino
  • Data Acquisition – LabVIEW, SQL

Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization Preview Video


Recruiters aren’t reaching out to me for jobs, am I doing something wrong?

Yes you are 100% doing something wrong if you’re not getting hit up by recruiters constantly. Use the frameworks we have provided above or book a service with us to fix it.

Is it possible to find a job through LinkedIn?

Yes – plenty of engineers find their jobs through LinkedIn outreach. They even use these as opportunities to negotiate sweet 20-50%+ pay raises.

Besides LinkedIn, how else can I find jobs?

Use job searching portals such as Indeed or your college website. Ask others in your network if anyone is hiring. Although the term is cliche, it’s true that sometimes – “it’s who you know not what you know”

I don’t have experience, a good GPA, or extracurriculars, can I still get an engineering job?

Yes, but it’s going to be hard.

From a hiring manager’s perspective, who would you hire – the one with those things or without those things?

Don’t let lack of experience, a bad GPA, or no extracurriculars stop you from applying to jobs. You should work on padding up your skills and background, because on paper you are a weak engineer.

What is the process to book a Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Optimization with ULTMECHE?

Once you place the order, we will reach out to you asking for the URL to your LinkedIn and your resume.

Upon receipt of your LinkedIn URL and resume, we will be printing a PDF of your profile and making redline mark ups to optimize recruiter outreach.

Be ready to answer any questions that we may have regarding your background.

Once complete, we will send you an annotated PDF of your LinkedIn Profile with redline mark ups.

The order will be complete within 7 business days and costs $50.