Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrite Service

Los Angeles Resume Writing Service - Resume Rewrite Sample

Our Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrite service will turbo charge your resume to get you past those initial screenings.

If you’ve been applying to jobs for awhile and have had NO LUCK getting any calls back, this is for you.

We’ve had clients go from not getting any calls or interviews in a month to getting calls and interviews in 1-2 weeks.

If you’re not getting interviews or calls from recruiters within 1-2 weeks, you’re doing something wrong with your resume.

What we will deliver to you:

A Resume That Is:

  • Clear and Concise
  • Displays Quantitative Results and Accomplishments
  • Implements Keywords from your desired Job Description

This will be a collaborative effort between you and ULTMECHE.

We will frame your experiences in a manner that captures the ULTMECHE Framework.

Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrite Step by Step Process

  1. Place the order and submit your payment details
  2. We will reach out to you for your existing resume and the job description that you’re looking for
  3. Once we have what we need, we will begin working on your resume
  4. We will send you an initial draft with comments looking for specific information
  5. You reply to all of the comments and questions we have
  6. We repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed until your resume is solid
  7. Once you have deemed your resume acceptable, the order will be closed

The entire order duration will be 7 days. Additionally, you can purchase more time and revisions as needed.

What we specifically cover in Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrites:

The framework we cover for all resume services is using the Big Three.

The Big Three

If you’ve been reading us for sometime, we advocate the Big Three:

Your resume needs:

  • To be clear and concise
  • To Include keywords relevant to the job
  • Display quantitative results and accomplishments

Many of my clients struggle with this, do you?

Clear and Concise

First of all, you can have all the right keywords and metrics on your resume, but if it isn’t clear or concise? You’re not getting anywhere.

Your resume should be one page, clear and concise, so that a recruiter can quickly scan through your resume and deem you’re qualified. Don’t just think – “oh, if I shove my resume with keywords and apply to as many jobs” you’re going to hear back. It doesn’t work like that.


Recruiters are going to be scanning your resume for KEYWORDS. They will have a good understanding of the job that they’re recruiting for and know what skills they specifically want.

Read this page if you want to learn more about mechanical engineering keywords.

Quantitative Results and Accomplishments

Your resume will be nothing without these.

No revenue, profit, increases in efficiency, or time saved on your resume? Good luck finding a job without those on your resume.

But what if I don’t have quantitative results and accomplishments?

Don’t worry, we will frame your experiences such that you will be able to display quantitative results and accomplishments.

Mechanical Engineering Resume Examples

See a preview of the work that I provided for my clients:

Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume 1
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume 2
Sample Mechanical Engineering Resume 3

Preview Video of our Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrite Service

Mechanical Engineering Resume Rewrite FAQ

How much does a mechanical engineering resume rewrite cost?

The service costs $125

How long will a mechanical engineering resume rewrite take?

7 days

What if I don’t have quantitative results and accomplishments to put on my resume?

Will you be able to get me a job with your resume?

Unfortunately, no. We can’t guarantee anything. We have helped hundreds of clients land high paying engineering jobs, so what makes you think we can’t help you out?

How many revisions do we get with your service?

Throughout the whole 7 day duration of the order, you will get unlimited back and forth revisions. After the 7 days and we have completed your order, we will have to charge for additional revisions.