Mechanical Process Engineer Resume

February 29, 2024

If you want to be a Mechanical Process Engineer, you’re going to need a solid resume.

You’ll need solid keywords and results/accomplishments pertaining to process engineering.

If you don’t have them?

You’re not going to find a Mechanical Process Engineering job.

We’ll be going over specific keywords, skillsets, and metrics to include in your resume for engineering companies.

We’ve helped hundreds of clients land jobs using our clear keyword, metric, and skills based approach below.

Read more to learn how to frame your experiences and include keywords in your resume.

Download our template to get started on your process engineering resume.

Mechanical Engineering -> Resume

Mechanical Process Engineer Resume - Sample

What Mechanical Process Engineers do

Engineering companies run on the foundations of processes and systems. Otherwise, if they didn’t, they would be running inefficiently and bleed money.

Engineering companies are expensive to run taking into account items such as overhead, labor, capital expenses, and labor.

Mechanical Process Engineers implement processes and procedures in mechanical systems. They do this in a variety of industries ranging from aerospace to manufacturing to oil and gas.

No matter what field you’re in regarding engineering, processes and procedures are going to be in place.

To optimize company profitability, these processes need to be running at maximum efficiency.

What companies you should apply for to get into Mechanical Process Engineering

Some companies you can get into regarding process engineering are:

  • Northrop Grumman
  • SpaceX
  • PBF (Oil and Gas)
  • Galaxy Management Group
  • Microfabrica

The above are just a sample of what came up from a simple search of Process Engineer jobs on indeed.

As we always preach, its a numbers game and expect to apply to hundreds.

What you need to include in your process engineering resume

You will need to make sure you have keywords, metrics (quantitative results and accomplishments), and required skillsets.


We advise to include keywords such as:

  • Process Development
  • Meeting customer requirements
  • Production floor
  • Failure analysis
  • Manufacturing processes – (machining, coating, composites, etc.)
  • Drawing process diagrams
  • Leading process improvement projects

The above summarizes the types of job descriptions you’ll see for mechanical process engineers. Make sure to include these keywords and implement them through your existing experiences.

Also, when you’re implementing these process engineering keywords, be prepared to talk about them in interviews.


You should have proven metrics in which you are able to showcase your quantitative results and accomplishments. Think of instances where your projects have saved money, added to operating efficiency, or even improved mechanical properties of the systems you’re working on.

In short, look at the following metrics process related:

  • Revenue – (sales, profit, etc.)
  • Time Saved
  • Cost Saved
  • Efficiency Increases


As a mechanical process engineer, you should have familiarity with standards such as ANSI, ASME, API, HI, etc.

You should also have a strong understanding of fundamentals such as GD&T, CAD, CAM, and FEA.

You should also understand quality management specifications such as ISO9001, AS9100, and NADACAP.

Although you’ll be in charge of more process and procedure development work overall, it is still important to understand the basics of these engineering skillsets.

Process Engineering FAQ

How do I write a process engineer resume?

In short, you will need an experience, education, and an additional section in your resume. The additional section will consist of technical skills, certifications, and awards you’ve accomplished in your career. Use the template provided as a basis.

What are 3 skills a mechanical process engineer should have?

A process engineer should be capable of process development, process improvement, and technical analysis.

Process engineers are responsible for a variety of processes and industries so specific technical skills will vary.

What are process engineering skills?

Process Engineers are responsible for process and procedure implementation and improvement. They create or modify existing procedures to keep engineering systems running smoothly.

Should I include a profile summary for a mechanical process engineer?

No. In a resume, your skills should showcase themselves. You shouldn’t have a “summary” section as it is redundant. Recruiters will be going through the “Experience” section in your resume anyways. If written correctly, the “Experience” section in your resume should summarize everything in a clear and concise manner.

What metrics should I achieve as a process engineer?

As a process engineer, your goal is to optimize efficiency in engineering processes and procedures. You want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, minimize cost, and reduce as much waste as possible. These are all metrics that will need to be quantified in your resume.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.