Top 10 Easy High Paying Jobs

February 29, 2024

So, if you want to know how to make money, you’re going to have to know what the Top 10 Easy High Paying Jobs are.

Because so many people are stressed with their jobs, we decided to go over easy high paying jobs are.

This list consists of both blue collar and white collar jobs, so you’re going to have plenty to choose from.

Let’s start diving down these Top 10 Easy High Paying Jobs for you.

Before you make a choice on which career path you want to take, make sure you know what your strengths and weaknesses are.

There’s no point in picking a job in which you don’t have the talent for.

Need some help on your resume for these jobs? You’ll need to know how to write solid resume bullet points.

Truck Driver

Easy High Paying Job - Truck Driver

This may not sound easy or high paying, but it is. As you become a reputable truck driver and are responsible for high dollar value load, the pay gets up there.

According to, the average base salary for a truck driver is $77,737 per year.

On the high end, you can expect to make six figures as a truck driver.

As a truck driver, it’ll be easy to rack the money up.


Easy High Paying Job - Engineer

Being an Engineer is easy?!


Hear me out – becoming good at engineering is understanding systems and frameworks.

You’ll need to understand basic principles of physics, electronics, software, and technology depending on which engineering discipline you are.

But once you develop that basic understanding? You’re solid as an engineer.

To develop a basic understanding of engineering, watch a ton of YouTube videos.

Once you become established as an engineer, the job itself is easy.

You’ll understand how things work, what you need to do, how to talk to others, and deliver results.

Once you’re an engineer, the day to day becomes standard – the meetings you attend become routine and the deliverables that you’re responsible for providing are determined.

Engineers are paid pretty well, with the average salary at $92,101 according to

Data Scientist

Easy High Paying Job - Data Science

If you’re good with numbers and understanding the significance of said numbers, being a data scientist is perfect for you.

What Data Scientists do is that they create algorithms and predictive models to extract data businesses need and interpret results to determine what the business needs to do from a strategic standpoint.

Given that you have the right mindset for this job – good with numbers, logical thinking, and understanding cause and effects analysis, being a Data Scientist will be perfect for you.

We advise everyone to choose their roles based on what specific talents they have.

If you’re more suited for the understanding and interpretation of numbers and their relation to business, Data Science is a perfect high paying job.

Data Scientists are paid relatively well, with the average salary at $144,934 according to

Data Analyst

Easy High Paying Job - Data Analyst

Along with Data Science, Data Analytics is another lucrative career field to get into.

Data analysts process data to inform business decisions typically in a 5 step process such as:

  • Identify the data
  • Collect data
  • Clean the Data
  • Analyze data
  • Interpret the data analysis

Data analysis consists of the examination of large data sets, presenting them in a visual manner, and using those data sets to help businesses make strategic decisions.

They are also paid well, similarly to data scientists.

The average salary of data analysts, according to, is $71,476


Easy High Paying Job - Recruiter

If you’re social and constantly wanting to be on the phone talking to prospective employees, recruitment is perfect for you.

Chances are, you’ve likely come across a recruiter at one point in your life when searching for a job.

Imagine how it’s like on the other end of the phone call, and you’ll get a good grip of what recruiters do.

Recruiters are responsible for seeking out talent for companies to hire.

They identify and screen potential candidates and ensure that they have the skills needed to contribute to the company’s mission.

The average recruiter salary is $53,944 according to

HR Manager

Easy High Paying Job - HR Manager

Another great job if you’re great at dealing with people.

Being an HR Manager consists of setting rules and guidelines for company policies, addressing employee issues, and being the go to focal point for anything employee relation related.

HR managers also are responsible for the following:

  • Overseeing required company coursework and training
  • Handle employee benefits and time off
  • Handing at work incidents pertaining to employee relations
  • Entry and exit interviews for prospective employees
  • Drafting offer letters to candidates

This is a job that you’ll need a certain skillset and personality for, but if you do have it, HR is an easy career.

According to, HR managers make $77,800 on average.

Middle Management

Easy High Paying Job - Middle Management

Middle managers are essentially the middle men between individual contributors and directors.

As a middle manager, your job is essentially to hit the goals and KPIs that you have set with senior leadership and executives.

Middle managers are responsible for:

  • Overseeing teams of individual contributors to contribute to the company mission
  • Meeting and exceeding certain dollar value goals such as budget or revenue
  • Setting staff meetings with teams to ensure everyone is on track with goals and have everything they need
  • 1 on 1 meetings with individual team members to set goals and align objectives
  • Hire, train, and retain staff as needed

According to Glassdoor, those in Middle Management make $79,416 on average:


Machinists are responsible for producing parts designed by engineers that support varying industries.

Many of the machinists that you will come across have one thing in common – they love their jobs.

They love the aspect of creating along with appreciating the beauty of machinery.

Tons of parts are machined in industries and applications such as:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Oil and Gas
  • Residential
  • Commercial

Machinists utilize equipment such as the following in their day to day:

  • Mills
  • Lathes
  • Drills
  • Welding
  • Bandsaws
  • Grinders
  • Much More!

The average base salary for a Machinist is $23.67 per hour.

Machinists have plenty of opportunities to work overtime as the industry has very demanding requirements to bring parts in on schedule.

In many cases machinist work overtime to stack as much cash as they can.

Being a machinist consists of alot of downtime when you’re not busy setting up or filtering your part.

Baby Sitter

Easy High Paying Job - Baby Sitter

Baby sitting had to be thrown in this list of Top 10 Easy High Paying Jobs.

All you’re responsible for as a baby sitter is the temporary well-being of someone’s child.

Disregarding statistics, you’ll see that you can make plenty of money baby sitting if you have the correct clientele…

Baby sitting can also be an easy job depending on the condition of your client’s children.

Typically, the clients that do seek out baby sitting for their kids, have well behaved children.

The average baby sitter makes $21.41 per hour.

Factor in overtime and the fact that as a baby sitter, you have alot of down time such as when kids are napping or just watching TV.

Care Giver

Easy High Paying Job - Care Giver

Care givers also essentially do the same things as a baby sitter does, but they provide aid more from a medical needs standpoint.

Their clientele consists of children, the elderly, or chronically sick patients.

Depending on who your specific clientele are, you can make alot of money being a caregiver.

According to, the average salary of a Caregiver is only $15.15.

But as we said, depending on your clientele, you can make alot more and it’ll be easy money.

You just need to know how to find the correct clientele as a care giver to make the bigger money.

Closing Thoughts

Opportunities to make good money are everywhere.

As we’ve discussed in our Top 10 Easy High Paying jobs list, there’s no shortage of jobs for you to choose from.

Go where the money is and identify your talents.

If you’re not good at numbers, don’t get into data or engineering.

If you’re not good with people, don’t get into HR or recruiting.

Additionally, if you’re unsure with your career trajectory, we offer career consulting services.

Need some help getting a high paying job? See 9 Steps On How To Get A Six Figure Job

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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