69 Action Words on Resume

Writing the correct action words on resume will mean the difference between getting a sweet job offer and not.

Most job seekers aren’t using the right action words on resume, and as a result are missing out on job interviews and job offers.

10X your chances on getting the job interview and the job of your dreams, by making sure you use the keywords below.

69 Action Words on Resume - Featured Image
March 2, 2024

7 Leadership and Results Based Transition Words on Resume

Leadership action words on your resume show core competencies such as leadership and willingness to take charge of projects. Combine these with skills, industries, and quantitative results to craft amazing bullet points for your resume.

The leadership action words are:

  1. Accomplished
  2. Achieved
  3. Attained
  4. Earned
  5. Oversaw
  6. Produced
  7. Recommended

5 Communication Words on Resume

Show that you’re an effective communicator instead of telling.

The way you can show that you’re an effective communicator is by using the communication keywords and combining them with your results and your accomplishments. This way, when recruiters or hiring mangers look over your resume, they not only see what you did, but also what you accomplished.

This makes a huge difference between someone that just does the job, vs. someone that actually accomplishes things.

The 5 Communication Key Words you need to put on your resume are:

  1. Collaborated
  2. Delivered
  3. Developed
  4. Directed
  5. Negotiated

Combine these communication keywords with what you’ve accomplished from a dollar value standpoint and you’re golden.

See why: Companies LOVE When You Know How To Say You Save Money On Resume!

7 Research Based Keywords on Resume

If you’re looking into research based positions at institutions or if the job you’re applying to has some research based tasks, you need to use these 7 keywords.

  1. Clarified
  2. Conducted
  3. Determined
  4. Diagnosed
  5. Discovered
  6. Evaluated
  7. Systematized

Combining these research based keywords along with actual business accomplishments regarding research will give you more opportunities, grants, funding, credibility, authority and much more benefits.

You need to be business minded, even when it comes to research.

7 Technical Words on Resume

For my technical people such as engineers, this is for you.

You’re going to combine these very powerful technical key words with skills, industries, applications, macroeconomic info with your dollar value accomplishments.

You will be completely unstoppable and will get more interviews and job offers as someone trying to get a technical role by using these keywords:

  1. Designed
  2. Developed
  3. Engineered
  4. Fabricated
  5. Modeled
  6. Streamlined
  7. Optimized

7 Teaching Words on Resume

Looking to get into management or a supervisory position? Eventually trying to work your way up to the director or executive position?

You will need to use these teaching keywords that showcase your down stream impacts from a directing and managing standpoint.

You will need to be able to lead meetings and direct groups such as your downstream impacts will be the result of millions of dollars in revenue gained for the company.

Use these action words and pair these with some of the results that you’ve gained through your teaching leadership:

  1. Advised
  2. Clarified
  3. Explained
  4. Informed
  5. Instructed
  6. Persuaded
  7. Trained

These action words will be great to show that you can direct and delegate work, which is what you’ll be doing to have a larger impact at the company you’re working at.

10 Quantitative Words on Resume

Companies love to see that you can make them money on your resume.

They want to know anything and all things money related.

To show that you can work with money – whether you’re in positions and industries such as business, finance, accounting, procurement, supply chain, etc.

You’re going to need to use these quantitative keywords pertaining to money along with specific dollar values that your work has contributed to.

  1. Allocated
  2. Analyzed
  3. Audited
  4. Balanced
  5. Budgeted
  6. Calculated
  7. Forecasted
  8. Maximized
  9. Minimized
  10. Projected

Anything and all things that are associated with a dollar value will need to be put on your resume.

See: How To Show Quantitative Skills On Resume

6 Creative Words on Resume

If you’re working in creative type positions, then you’ll need to showcase these creative words on your resume.

You’ll need to combine these creative words on your resume along with dollar values of the work that you’re doing is associated with.

Although if you’re still working a creative role (marketing, graphic design, art, etc.), you still need to showcase the dollar value of your work.

If the company that you’re trying to work for doesn’t have an idea of the dollar value you can contribute to, then there’s no reason for them to hire you.

Make sure to use these 6 creative words on your resume.

  1. Conceptualized
  2. Created
  3. Illustrated
  4. Invented
  5. Redesigned
  6. Visualized

7 Helping Action Words on Resume

Instead of writing down that you’re a “team player” on your resume, you need to show that you’re a team player.

Show that you’re a team player by adding these action words on your resume in the bullet points underneath your experiences.

  1. Assisted
  2. Demonstrated
  3. Expedited
  4. Facilitated
  5. Proposed
  6. Provided
  7. Supported

Bonus points if you combine these teamwork helping action words on your resume along with:

  • Industries
  • Software
  • Technical Keywords
  • Macroeconomics
  • Application
  • Dollar values

13 Organizational Words on Resume

If you’re working a decision maker role, you’ll need to capture all of the work you’ve done and the down stream impacts of your direction and leadership.

Do so by using the 13 organizational words on your resume below.

  1. Approved
  2. Accelerated
  3. Catalogued
  4. Classified
  5. Defined
  6. Executed
  7. Expanded
  8. Launched
  9. Oversaw
  10. Processed
  11. Reduced
  12. Simplified
  13. Structured

As a decision making role – managers, directors, VPs, etc – these key words will be great to showcase your down stream impacts and results that have occurred as a result of your leadership.

Resume Writing Bulletpoint Formula

When you use any of the action words on your resume, you need to use them such as:

“Action word X, using Y, resulting in Z, for A Application”

ULTMECHE Resume Writing Bulletpoint Formula

See: Resume Bullet Point Formula

Closing Thoughts on 69 Action Words Regarding Your Resume

Using powerful action words is important when it comes to determining the bullet points to write for your resume.

Use the 69 action words that we’ve covered above to increase your chances of getting the job and put you in the Top 1% of all job candidates.

If you need a format to use, check out the Harvard Resume Template.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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