Best 7 Resume Writing Service San Francisco

February 29, 2024

I took a trip to San Francisco and thought to myself, what is the best resume writing service San Francisco has to offer?

San Francisco and Silicon Valley are the pinnacle when it comes to tech company real estate. The goal for many young college students is to go study programming and end up as software engineers. Who can blame them? Software Engineering compensation ranks amongst the highest regarding all corporate jobs. If you’re trying to be a Software Engineer in the Bay Area, then you need to know what the best resume writing services in San Francisco are.

Having a solid resume is necessary to getting yourself a good job. Think of the “Red Ocean” / “Blue Ocean” analogy (LINK HERE!!!!!!!). What does this mean exactly? It’s highly competitive to become a Software Engineer. Along with competing with students that have been programming since they were toddlers, you will need to keep up with specific frameworks regarding programming. It’s a lot to capture on a resume.

Resume Writing Service San Francisco Review Criteria

The following is the criteria we review for awarding these providers as one of the best engineering resume writing services.

We break the engineering resume writing services by the following:

  • Pros: Pros of the specific engineering writing service
  • Cons: Cons of the specific engineering service
  • Service Details: The service cost and delivery time
  • Contact Info: Phone number & email address

This list was created with engineering positions in mind. This includes mechanical engineers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, aerospace engineers, and more.

We specifically look if the individual resume writing service has frameworks in place.

Those resume writing frameworks include writing a resume that:

  • Is clear and concise
  • Displays quantitative results and accomplishments
  • Incorporates keywords
  • ATS compliant
  • Uses a simple design
  • Grammatically correct
  • Understand engineering skillsets

Why do we care so much about frameworks?

Because it shows that the resume writers know what they’re doing.

For more on our review criteria, see How We Rate Engineering Resume Services.

Best 7 Resume Writing Service San Francisco

1. Ultmeche

Best Resume Writing Service San Francisco - Ultmeche

ULTMECHE provides Engineering Career coach services such as Resumes, Cover Letters, LinkedIn Optimization, and Mock Interviews. They are very heavily focused towards mechanical engineers, but do provide services for other engineers and disciplines.

ULTMECHE provides virtual services for those in San Francisco looking to up their game in their careers.


Provides a very technical insight when writing your resume. They are top notch when it comes to identifying what an engineering resume needs.

Relatively lower cost compared to other resume writing services in San Francisco

Service Details

Resume Rewrite for $150

Resume Review for $100

Cover Letter for $50

Interviews starting at $100

LinkedIn Optimization at $50


They are not physically based in the San Francisco area, but they do offer virtual services for those in SF.


Contact Kazu directly at or (323) 435-6978

2. Ward Resumes

Best Resume Writing Service San Francisco - Ward

Ward Resumes has a highly experienced staff of recruiters and hiring managers that have significant experience in communications, marketing, and design. They create resumes from scratch, instead of using “templates” that many of the resume service providers use. Their individual service is unique and not like the many other resume writing services out there.


Resumes geared towards backgrounds in communications, marketing, or design.

An individualized approach to writing resumes instead of using the generic format everyone else uses.

Service Details

Services are available out there for the following career levels

  • Entry Level
  • Professional
  • Executive-Level
  • Military
  • Curriculum Vitae – For Academia

Specific information of pricing is not available, you’ll need to request a quote due to their individualized tailored approach.


Although they claim to use an individualized approach to write their resumes, not much is out there on what frameworks they use.

Unclear about cost of service until inquiring.


(619) 796-1811

3. Capstone Resume

Best Resume Writing Service San Francisco - Capstone

Capstone Resumes has been in the game since 2003 helping those trying to get jobs in tech. With jobs in San Francisco being extremely competitive and hard to get, it’s great that there’s a resume service provider that has been around for awhile.

People from all over the world are trying to get high paying jobs in San Francisco to break into the tech industry.

Stand out from the millions by getting your resume written by Capstone.


75+ years of experience in resume writing along with certified writers in staff. Headquartered at the heart of Silicon Valley, located in Mountain View, California.

Service Details

ATS optimized resume, provided in 3-4 business days in an editable Microsoft Word Doc and PDF file.

See the summary of pricing taken straight from their website below:

Additionally, Capstone Resumes provides services in

  • Academic CV Writing
  • Federal Resume writing
  • Professional Resume Writing
  • Technical Resume Writing
  • Technology Management Resume Writing
  • Executive Resume Writing
  • LinkedIn Profile Writing
  • Cover Letter Writing


Not much info on how they apply their own specific frameworks to deliver resumes.

They specify that they use both hard and soft skills on their resumes.

We do not recommend the use of soft skills, as the only purpose they serve is to add fluff.


(650) 445-5301

4. Resumes by Allan Brown

Best Resume Writing Service San Francisco - Allan Brown

Allan comes from a background of direct marketing. He has his Bachelor’s in Business Economics with a Minor in Political Science at the State University of New York at Oneonta. After graduating from SUNY, Allan was accepted into the Masters Program at Rutgers where he got his Masters of Science in Industrial Relations and Human Resources.


It goes without saying that given Allan’s credentials and years of experience, he is more than capable of writing a good resume.

It’s great that when you book a service with Allan, that you’ll be working directly with Allan, unlike other companies.

Service Details

Pricing details are unclear, you’ll need to request for a free resume critique and quote on his website.


Although he is very well qualified to write resumes, we are unsure of his technical competence when it comes to specifying engineering skillsets on resumes.

It’s one thing to know how to write a resume, but it’s another thing to write a technical resume.

Writing a resume takes more than specifying soft skills, so we hope Allan has that understanding.



5. Sequence Resumes

Best Resume Writing Service San Francisco - Sequence

Sequence provides a wide range of career related services such as resume writing for professionals.

They understand the importance of being able to craft a story into your resume, as recruiters only look at your resume for 6-7 seconds.


We do not understand how Sequence differentiates themselves from their competition aside from their local San Francisco presence.

Service Details

  • Entry Level – $249.99 – $399.99
  • Mid Career – $324.99 – $474.99
  • Senior Level – $399.99 – $549.99
  • Military Civilian – $324.99 – $474.99


We are unsure of their technical frameworks when writing resumes. We are afraid that the resumes they provide are the standard resumes with unnecessary items such as core competencies, soft skills, objectives, or summaries.

Outdated copyright date on website – although the website is up and running, we are unsure of their responsiveness.



Additionally they are available on other social media platforms, but as of today (2022), they do not have a large social media presence.

6. Klaxos

Klaxos understands the importance of LinkedIn as recruiters primary source to find applicants for job openings. Along with resume writing, they also provide services and examples to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Their resume and LinkedIn approach uses the keyword framework – ensuring that either the resume or LinkedIn profile has the correct keywords in place to pass the recruiter’s hands into the hiring manager.


They have many sample templates that you can use to refer for specific bulletpoints.

Some sample jobs they have resumes for include:

  • Real Estate
  • BART Operations
  • HSBC Bank VP

So, a pretty wide range of services are offered.

They also understand specifying skillsets such as E-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Data Science, and Cybersecurity, so we’re confident they have technical frameworks set in place for writing resumes.

Service Details

Prices for their gigs come in the $799-$1,299 range.

Pretty expensive if you ask us.

Given that their templates they provide on their website consist of the “standard one”, be careful to go with this provider.


We took a look at the sample template they provide on their site and…it utilizes items we don’t recommend on resumes such as summaries, objectives, and soft skills.


Fill out the contact form on their website:

7. Pacific Heights Resume Writing Services

Pacific Heights has been in the game for awhile – since 1992. Although their web design looks dated, they are more suited for a business / management type of role.


Understand the importance of using numbers in resume writing framework – they understand that numbers tell stories.

They look to include metrics such as cost or time savings (similar to us).

They also look at increases in sales or market share of projects.

Service Details

Pricing unavailable on website


Old web design, unsure if they are in business in 2022


(415) 673-0761

Resume Writing Service San Francisco Closing Thoughts

There are many resume writing service San Francisco providers out there.

You’ll need to take into account cost, location, testimonials, and frameworks the specific resume writing service provider has.

Be careful you don’t spend a few hundred bucks for a resume you don’t even like!

In 2022 and as the years go on, these San Francisco Resume Writing Services will need to be more tech oriented.

Make sure they don’t write formats like they do in the 1990s!

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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