Best Resume Service Los Angeles

Best Resume Service Los Angeles - Featured Image

ULTMECHE provides the best premium resume service in Los Angeles.

Mainly focusing on engineers, ULTMECHE also provides resume services for those in finance, healthcare, machinists, technicians, accounting, and more.

March 2, 2024

Why you should book a resume service in Los Angeles with ULTMECHE

ULTMECHE provides premium career services.

What other resume service providers in Los Angeles fail to do is they fail to focus on the right frameworks.

We don’t focus on soft skills, which is what 99% of career service providers do.

The problem with putting soft skills on resume is that anyone can put them. When people put soft skills on their resume, they have nothing to back them up.

Soft skill such as these are detrimental to your resume:

  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to multitask
  • Strong problem solving abilities
  • Effective project management
  • Effective communication skills
  • Efficient workers

If you put any of these phrases on your resume with absolutely zero results and accomplishments to back them up, then you’re drastically reducing your chances of getting a job. We’d estimate it’s going to make it 90% harder for you to get a job.

People that use our resume service start seeing noticeable results immediately.

They get way more interviews, job offers, and make more money because they’ve utilized our resume writing service.

You’re missing out on hundreds of interview opportunities by not using the right resume writing frameworks.

Make sure that no matter what resume service you end up providing, that they focus on business impact, not on soft skills.

Check out: What is the best resume format?

What other resume service in Los Angeles lacks

Most resume writers focus on adding fluff and corporate jargon on their resumes. Most resume writers also focus on soft skills, which something anyone can put on their resume.

When people put verbiage such as strong communication skills, detail oriented, able to work in a fast-paced environment, they hurt their chances of getting the job.

Other resume writers don’t focus on business impact as strongly as we do.

To focus on business impact, we specify quantitative results and accomplishments along with the macroeconomic relevancy the position has.

We target specific keywords that touch on what industry.

Specific examples of how we use this is we tie in clients to their work regarding:

  • Tech Sector
  • Financial Sector
  • Oil & Gas
  • Healthcare
  • Biomedical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Sales
  • Accounting
  • Agricultural
  • Food & Beverage
  • Virtual Administration & Office Work
  • Executive Leadership – Management, Directors, Executives

Resume Bullet Point Writing Framework

Our resume bullet point writing framework consists of: project, action, and result.

The project is what you are working on and with it we tie in what specific business or macroeconomic sector the work is relevant to.

The action consists of what you specifically did and we use keywords such as specific software you’ve used in those actions.

The result consists of the business impact that you accomplished such as dollars made, efficiency improved, or time saved.

If most resume writers could meet these frameworks, then we’d recommend them, but they come so far and few.

Mistakes that other resume writing service providers make

Along with not focusing their resumes on a business impact and macroeconomic standpoint, resume writers make these mistakes. If you’re looking for a resume writer in Los Angeles, take a look at their sample formats, and make sure that they don’t do the following.

Adding an objective

We do not recommend adding an objective on your resume. It’s 100% redundant and it’s obvious to companies the reason that you’re applying initially is because you need a job. You don’t need a resume about your desire to get a job working in X industry.

Recruiters and hiring managers are people too and they know what you’re just applying for a job.

Adding a professional summary

A professional summary section is also redundant on your resume. If done correctly, your entire resume is essentially a summary that the recruiter or hiring manager will scan. They will only take between 6-7 seconds to scan your resume before they determine that they want to move forward with you or skip you.

If you write a professional summary, the recruiter may take the entire 6-7 seconds to read that portion. Instead of looking at your bulletpoints for your specific key accomplishments and metrics, they will only get a glimpse of your professional career in that summary section.

Don’t make this mistake, which many resume writers do.

Using colorful creative formats

Sometimes recruiters may use Canva resume templates that are very colorful in design, contain infographics, and all sorts of pictures.

Under no circumstances do you use this resume at all.

The resume format you should be using should be very standard, such as this one.

Sample Resume Format ULTMECHE recommends - Los Angeles Resume Service

How ULTMECHE got started

ULTMECHE got started in 2020, around the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a time of uncertainty and many people were losing their jobs.

We aimed to provide direction to these people and have since then helped 100s of clients get high paying $100K+ salary jobs.

What really differed ULTMECHE from other providers is our extreme focus in these areas:

  • Keywords
  • Quantitative Results & Accomplishments
  • Macroeconomic Relevance To The Position
  • Business Impact

If you’re choosing to work with any resume writing service provider, make sure that they adopt the above frameworks in their resume writing. Otherwise, you’re going to be wasting your money.

Where ULTMECHE is located

ULTMECHE is located in 468 N. Camden Dr. Suite 200 PMB 92541 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

We are a local resume writing service based in Los Angeles and can accommodate locations for clients as needed.

Contact us if you’d like to schedule a meeting, career advice session, or mock interview.

We provide both physical and virtual career services in Los Angeles.

For physical services, please contact us and we will arrange to meet your specific needs.

If you have any questions at all leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What people think about ULTMECHE

See what some of our clients think about ULTMECHE.

People absolutely love our no nonsense approach regarding business impact and metric showcasing.

As executives will say, if something can’t be measured, it can’t be tracked. Tasks that are measurable and achievable are what have a direct outcome on business operations. Companies love it when you make them money – it’s the reason why they hire you.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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