How Many Bullet Points Are on A Resume

Crafting a resume is essential for securing your dream job. It serves as your introduction to employers, making it crucial to make a positive impression. Many job seekers often wonder about the number of bullet points to include on their resumes. In this guide we will delve into the factors that influence the ideal quantity of bullet points and offer valuable insights, on striking the perfect balance to create an engaging resume.

March 2, 2024
How many bullet points on resume - Featured Image

Tailoring Your Resume to the Job

Before we get into the specifics of bullet points, it’s crucial to stress the significance of adapting your resume to match the job you’re applying for. Each job has its requirements in terms of skills and experience. To effectively accomplish this, you should;

  • Thoroughly research the job description to understand the qualifications and skills that the employer is looking for.
  • Customize your resume, for each application highlighting the experiences and achievements that’re most relevant to the position.
  • Incorporate keywords. Phrases from the job posting to align your resume, with what the employer’s expecting.

By tailoring your resume in this manner, you do not increase your chances of grabbing attention. Also ensure that your bullet points directly relate to the job you’re seeking.

Length and Experience Level

The number of bullet points, on your resume may vary depending on your level of experience. Here’s a detailed breakdown;


For individuals starting their careers, it is advisable to have around 5 7 bullet points per section, such as education, experience, and skills. Since you might not have work experience at this stage, focus on highlighting your achievements in internships, volunteer work, and relevant coursework.


Once you have gained a years of experience in the field you can expand to 7 10 bullet points per section. Showcase significant accomplishments, responsibilities handled, and leadership roles are undertaken. Emphasize the impact your contributions had on employers.


At the level and beyond it is acceptable to include 10+ bullet points, per section. Executives and seasoned professionals should provide a encompassing overview of their career achievements, leadership experience and industry specific expertise.

Remember that the ultimate goal is to communicate your qualifications while maintaining a format that’s easy for readers to grasp.

Prioritizing Achievements

Crafting bullet points involves an aspect: giving priority to your accomplishments rather than your daily responsibilities. Achievements are impactful outcomes that showcase your value as an employee. To create bullet points, follow these guidelines;

Quantify Your Achievements 

Utilize numbers, percentages, or specific metrics to quantify your successes. For example you can mention how you increased sales by 25% through the implementation of a marketing strategy.

Highlight Relevant Skills 

Emphasize skills that align with the job requirements highlighted in the job posting.

If project management is mentioned as a skill, ensure that your relevant achievements in this area are prominent in your bullet points.

Show Growth 

Demonstrate how you progressed in your roles. Highlight promotions, expanded responsibilities, and any awards or recognition received.

The ultimate goal of bullet points is to leave no doubt about your ability to make a contribution, to the prospective employers organization.

Relevance and Redundancy

While it is important to showcase your accomplishments and credentials it is equally vital to avoid repetition and include the pertinent details. Utilizing bullet points can amplify points. Here are some additional suggestions to consider;

Eliminate Irrelevant Experience

If you possess experiences that may not directly align with the job you are applying for contemplate excluding them or briefly summarizing them.

Customize Sections

Consider crafting sections on your resume to emphasize qualifications that are especially relevant to the desired position. This approach allows you to incorporate information without overcrowding your bullet points.

Tailor Your Resume for Different Jobs 

In case you are pursuing types of roles make versions of your resume, for each job. This enables you to highlight qualifications and experiences as required.

Formatting and Readability

The way you format your resume is crucial, for its effectiveness. If your resume appears cluttered or poorly formatted it can discourage employers from considering you. To make sure your resume looks visually appealing and can be quickly scanned consider using bullet points, which enhance readability.

Use Clear Headings 

Make sure to label each section of your resume with headings like “Professional Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.” You can also use subheadings within each section to highlight your qualifications.


Maintaining a formatting style throughout your resume is important. This includes using the font, bullet point style and indentation for an professional appearance.

White Space

Avoid overcrowding the content on your resume. Leave space to make it visually appealing and easy to read.

Tailoring for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

In today’s job market, many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes efficiently. To ensure your resume passes through ATS scans and reaches human eyes:

Keyword Optimization 

Integrate relevant keywords from the job description naturally into your bullet points. ATS systems often prioritize resumes with matching keywords.

Use Standard File Formats 

Submit your resume in a common format like PDF or Word to ensure compatibility with ATS software.

Avoid Excessive Styling 

While it’s important to make your resume visually appealing, avoid excessive formatting, graphics, or intricate designs that can confuse ATS software.

Seeking Feedback

Don’t craft your resume in isolation. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or professional resume writers. They can provide valuable insights into whether you’ve struck the right balance in terms of content, formatting, and the number of bullet points.


The number of bullet points on your resume is not. Should vary depending on factors such as your level of experience the job you’re applying for and the relevance of the information. It’s important to find the balance by focusing on quality rather than quantity. A crafted resume that is visually appealing and highlights your achievements will definitely leave an impression on potential employers and improve your chances of landing your desired job.

Your resume should evolve as you progress in your career, reflecting your growth and adaptability. By following the guidelines provided in this article and consistently refining your resume you’ll be better equipped to make an impact, on employers and increase the likelihood of achieving your career goals.

If you’re looking for services to optimize the growth of your career, check out our career services.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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