LinkedIn Endorsements – How to Get More of Them

This will be your guide on everything you need to know about LinkedIn Endorsements. This is one of many key critical factors when it comes to Optimizing your LinkedIn Profile. This key step could be the difference in recruiters or hiring managers sending you a life changing DM.

Implement LinkedIn Endorsements in your profile to add authenticity and credibility to your professional profile.

LinkedIn Endorsements - Featured Image
March 2, 2024

What is a LinkedIn Endorsement

An endorsement in LinkedIn is when someone goes into your profile and endorses a certain skill or provides you a recommendation.

Below you’ll see an example of a Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Profile with skills that are endorsed. These are skills that are specific to mechanical engineering and provide value because they’re endorsed. Skills such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), PTC Creo, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) are valuable to have are engineers.

LinkedIn Endorsements - Sample Mechanical Engineering Skillset

Would the LinkedIn Skills section above look better with endorsements or without endorsements?

We’re going to wager with endorsements.

The LinkedIn Skills section is located below the LinkedIn Education and LinkedIn Experience section of your profile.

Why you should get more LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn Endorsements are guaranteed to make your profile look more authentic and credible. Just make sure that the people that do endorse you also have that respective skill or have seen you demonstrate it.

Be strategic about the people that you get to endorse your profile. Do not get endorsements from people that don’t have any skin in the game.

Either get endorsements from coworkers or those that also have the skill and can actually verify that you have the skill.

You never know – some recruiters will be looking at who specifically endorses your profile. Some of them may even go as far as to reach out to those that have endorsed your skill to verify if you actually have the skill!

How to get endorsements on linkedin

Reach out to your colleagues and see if they will endorse you.

Hey [INSERT NAME HERE], hope all is well. Wondering if you could endorse me for [INSERT SKILL HERE] on my profile.

-Sample LinkedIn Endorsement Outreach Template

If you don’t know what to say, use the above template as a simple example. We’re a big fan of keeping things straight and to the point. The LinkedIn Endorsement outreach template above should be more than enough for you to send to colleagues, just to get some endorsements back. You have a lot to gain by doing this and have nothing to lose.

How to endorse someone on linkedin

Go into someone’s LinkedIn Profile (My LinkedIn Profile) and scroll down to where the Skills section of the profile is.

You’ll need to make sure you’re connected with the individual to be able to endorse skills on their profile.

Want more LinkedIn Connections? See: How to Get More LinkedIn Connections

Once you scroll down to the skills section, you’ll see a button you can click to “Endorse” the specific skill.

LinkedIn Endorsements - Skills Example

You’ll see that the skill that is already endorsed has a “check mark” to the side and the skill that isn’t does not have the check mark.

The higher the number of endorsements, the better.

This isn’t an end all, be all, but endorsements will set you up for an Optimized LinkedIn profile to increase the number of job opportunities you will get.

Closing Thoughts on LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn Endorsements on skills are something so easy to get, yet no one makes the extra effort to do. It’s as simple as reaching out to your colleagues and endorsing skills on their profile. If you don’t even want to reach out, just go ahead and endorse skills on their profile (and watch others return the favor by endorsing skills on your profile)

Also think about getting endorsements on your LinkedIn profile like you’re getting reviews for a product. You wouldn’t buy a product without reviews or testimonials would you? Endorsements make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to trust you more. The hiring process for candidates is long enough as it is – make it easier for recruiters by being the best possible candidate. This means using the right frameworks and building trust.

Endorsements will make your profile stronger and more credible – which recruiters and hiring managers love to see.

If you thought what we went over regarding endorsements was good, then you’ll need to check out our LinkedIn Optimization Service.

We use the best frameworks to optimize your LinkedIn Profile and 10X the chances of you landing your dream job.

FAQs on LinkedIn Endorsements

Should I get endorsements on my LinkedIn Profile?

Yes. Reach out to your colleagues to endorse your profile. It will make you look more credible and authentic. Anyone can list skills on their LinkedIn profile, but it takes more to have your skills endorsed. Especially endorsements from those who have skin in the game such as your coworkers or colleagues.

Is it okay if I don’t have any endorsements on my LinkedIn Profile?

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have any endorsements on your LinkedIn profile. However, it will make a difference and make your LinkedIn profile more of an asset if you have more endorsements. Learn how to make your LinkedIn work for you.

How should I reach out to someone if I want them to endorse my profile?

Use the template that we have provided above to reach out to your coworkers and colleagues. Don’t overthink this part. Just send a simple hi message and ask if they can endorse some skills for you. Another option is to just go into their profile and endorse their skills. You’ll find that some of your colleagues will do this for you back.

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.

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