10 LinkedIn Optimization Techniques To Get 10X Interviews

It is mandatory to use these LinkedIn Optimization techniques if you want to get noticed for high paying jobs.

The job market is getting more and more competitive as companies are running more lean. With economic conditions such as rising interest rates, down sizing, cost cutting, and meeting goals – you will need to make sure you’re using the right frameworks in your LinkedIn.

At the very least, having a strong LinkedIn profile will open you up to more job opportunities – even while you have a job.

The best time to find a job is when you don’t need one. Having a solid LinkedIn will increase your chances of inbound leads by recruiters and hiring mangers.

LinkedIn Optimization - Featured Image
March 2, 2024


LinkedIn Optimization - URL

Your LinkedIn URL should be linkedin.com/in/firstnamelastname

Or some variation of the above.

Some examples are:

  • linkedin.com/in/firstname-lastname
  • linkedin.com/in/firstname-lastname-skillset
  • linkedin.com/in/firstname-lastname-jobtitle

This will be a much more cleaner and optimized URL as opposed to: linkedin.com/in/firstname-lastname-123466765

See: How To Change LinkedIn URL (And How It Improves Your Profile)


LinkedIn Optimization - Banner

For profile completeness and aesthetics, you should include a banner in your LinkedIn profile.

We recommend the following options for your LinkedIn profile banner:

  • Aesthetic image of the city you reside in
  • Aesthetic image of the city you are looking to work in
  • Professional photo pertaining to your technical competencies
  • Stock Images

See: LinkedIn Banner – 14 Best Images to 10X Inbound Leads and LinkedIn Profile Banner Dimensions – Complete Guide

Profile Picture

LinkedIn Optimization - Profile Picture

Your profile picture should be a professional headshot of you.

Depending on what industry you are working in – you can keep it more formal, traditional, or casual.

See: LinkedIn Headshot – Complete Guide


Industries such as tech do not require such formal or professional headshots, but high quality headshots are good.

Profile pictures for those working in tech can consist of a basic T-shirt / fleece hoodie and have outdoors background.

Tech is a much more progressive industry and as a result, you won’t need as formal of a professional headshot.

This framework is more catered towards the Gen Z / millennial work force.

Traditional Industries

As of this writing, traditional industries are still running “old fashioned”.

Real estate, accounting, finance, engineering (mechanical, civil, electrical, etc.) should use more traditional or formal headshots.

Invest the few hundred bucks or so to get a nice headshot for your LinkedIn profile.


Managers, directors, executives, senior leadership, and c-suite executives should use executive level professional headshots.

Executive level professional headshots should include studio background, lighting, proper touch ups, and clear view of face.

Hire a professional photographer for this and expect to pay at least a few hundred dollars for a high quality shot.


LinkedIn Optimization - Header

The formula for your LinkedIn Headline should be “Job Title at Company”

“Job Title at Company”

– Optimal formula for LinkedIn Headline

You will get bonus points for working at a bigger name company, which is why it is recommended to at least have a few big name companies on your resume. There are plenty of cases where recruiters or hiring managers will want to reach out to someone because they have experience at a certain big name company.

This is also why many people use company names such as Meta, Google, Netflix, Amazon, etc. because of the brand name and the prestige that they carry.

See: LinkedIn Headline To Maximize Job Opportunities


LinkedIn Optimization - Connections

Maximize the number of connections that you have in your LinkedIn to strengthen the profile relevancy in search. The more you’re connected to, the more likely your profile will pop up when a recruiter will search for candidates for a specific position.

Although pretty simple, many people are missing out on additional connections, which leads to them not getting as many opportunities as they can.

Reach out to your friends, colleages, family, professors, mentors, executives and connect to them. You have nothing to lose by doing so and you can increase your chances of having recruiters or hiring managers reach out to you for job openings.

You can even reach out to those that you share connections with and connect with them as a chance to increase the number of connections you have. The worst that will happen is that they will decline your invitation – you don’t have much to lose by doing this.

See: LinkedIn Connections – 10X Your Chances of Success and How to Get More LinkedIn Connections


LinkedIn Optimization - About

The About section of your LinkedIn profile should have job title, number of years of experience, industry, skillsets, and high level dollar values across various macroeconomic industries.

Seasoned “Job Title” with X years of experience in industry. Fluent at skill 1, skill 2, skill 3, and skill 4. Managed XXX+ ($ or qty of products) across global infrastructure including X, Y, and Z industries.

-About section for LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Just plug in your relevant job title, skillsets, $ values, and industries that your work impacts in the above About section template.

Similarly, you can use the above section as a professional summary for your resume.

See: LinkedIn About Section – Write The Perfect One!


The experience section in your LinkedIn profile should use the same frameworks as your resume:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Quantitative results and accomplishments
  • Use keywords such as sectors, markets, industries
  • Overall clear and concise wording
  • Technical skills such as software

See: How to write your LinkedIn Experience Section


The education of your LinkedIn profile should consist of:

  • College or University name
  • GPA (if above 3.5)
  • Activities
  • Societies
  • Specific skills learned in college

See: How to Write Your LinkedIn Education Section


Include any and all skills that are relevant to you to increase your LinkedIn profile relevancy.

Get endorsements for each of these skills wherever possible.

Reach out to your colleagues and friends and endorse them in the skillsets that you know they’re competent in and have them return the favor.

See: LinkedIn Skills – 20 Best And Most In Demand Ones


Add endorsements to your LinkedIn profile for authenticity and credibility.

Seek out your friends, colleagues, mentors, professors in the industry and have them endorse you.

The benefit of this is similar to that of reviews for a product.

These days, almost no one buys from someone without any reviews.

As a result, you need to have endorsements (in this case, like a review or testimonial) for your LinkedIn profile (the product).

See: LinkedIn Endorsements – How to Get More of Them

Closing Thoughts on LinkedIn Optimization

Just like resume writing or interviewing, optimizing your LinkedIn profile is important. You’ll also need to use the aforementioned frameworks if you want to turbo charge your chances of getting hit up by recruiters or hiring managers.

Need some help with your LinkedIn?

Check out our LinkedIn Optimization service to 10X the chances of recruiters and hiring managers DM’ing you for insane job opportunities!

About the author

Kazuyoshi Fujimoto, PE
Founder | Engineering Career Coach | Principal Mechanical Engineer

Kazu oversees all of ultmeche’s engineering services. He provides consulting such as resume reviews, rewrites, mock interviews, and all services career related. Additionally, Kazu performs consulting work regarding Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense. Kazu is licensed as a professional engineer in the state of California and has 9+ years of experience in Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Aerospace & Defense.